For my 2nd year final major project at Marbella Design Academy, I chose to re-design a healthy beverage named "Aronia". It is a Korean beverage and I approached the re-design of it's packaging with emphasis on environmentally friendly design and reducing waste.
Above is the existing packaging for the beverage. I identified some faults in this design that were mainly to do with excessive packaging that resulted in a lot of waste being generated when the product is consumed. South Korean products tend to be overly-packaged and I wished to address this problem by designing packaging for this product that could be disposed of very easily as it ends up being compact.
Below are some sketches I did in the beginning of this project to brainstorm different packaging ideas I had for this beverage.
I ended up deciding on triangular tetra packs as they are a compact shape and fit in nicely with each other making a solid shape. The tetra packed also can be folded into a flat rectangular shape after the beverage has been consumed.
Below are some sketches I did that resulted in being my final idea that I chose to develop for the packaging of Aronia.
The beverage is meant to be consumed once every day as a healthy supplement and therefore, I decided to work with 7 tetra packs with the days of the week written on them to help consumers with their daily consumption of this drink.
The product went through sample testing and I show here some photos of the packaging sample, how people would drink from it as well as how people would dispose of it.
Below is the final presentation of the re-designed packaging for the drink.
And finally, to market the product I created some subway and bus advertisements making use of a Korean celebrity that is famous for her eco-friendly lifestyle. I designed one poster in English as well as creating a different poster using Korean language.
This concludes my final major project for the 2nd academic year at Marbella Design Academy where I learned about environmentally friendly design through research and also the process of re-designing existing designs by taking a different approach.