One of the projects during my 2nd year at Marbella Design Academy, we were asked to write a story targeted at young children addressing an important issue. We were then asked to illustrate that story and to print out the book to gain more experiencing in printing.
I chose to work with hand-drawn illustrations with water colour as the medium. The book has a total of about 20 pages and the hand-drawn illustrations were edited digitally.
The book is about a young boy named "Todd" who refuses to eat anything but Pot Noodles and in this book you are taken on a journey from Small Todd's life who is a picky eater as a child and how he faces many problems as an adult. It is aimed to teach children to eat a balanced meal and to listen to their parents when it comes to their diet.

Above are the scanned images of inked drawings before applying water colour to the sketches which demonstrate the process I took to illustrated the story.

Above are the drawings with colour after they were digitally edited in my personal style. These drawings were then accompanied with text on InDesign to tell the story.

Above you can see the front cover of the book, the first page of the book with credits, book title and representative image and the first line of the picture book. We were also asked to consider the book we wrote and designed as a series and to design two more book covers which can be seen below.

For the marketing material, my idea was to sell a game alongside the book. The idea for the game was a simple hide and seek where one child would hide the soft plushie Pot Noodles somewhere in the room and when the rest of the children try to locate the toy, he/she yells "Hot" or "Cold" depending on whether the seekers are physically close or far away from the toy. I designed the box that the game would come in and you can see the box below.

Below are some photos of the book after it was sent to print.

This brings us to the end of my 2nd year project called "Tell Me a Story" where I was able to experiment with water colour as well as have a lot of fun learning about story illustration. I also learned a lot about targeting my product at children from different age groups.