This project was about creating a new communication method that could be put into use in the near or distant future. We learned about the history of typography and had to use our creative skills to either come up with alphabet or communication method.
I took inspiration from the gaming culture as well as from the famous game "Age of Empires" to come up with a new in-game language by combining movie quotes, sound effects, clips from songs and other elements.
I will try to show you what this project was about as clearly as possible as it is a bit hard to understand at first, but I will show my development and concept behind my final outcome as best as I can.
And so, GLS (Gamer's Language Shortcut) was born. A new and fun way for gamers to communicate with each other in a multi-player game setting. Branding the app was the next step of the project and you can see how it developed along the way.
The GLS Desktop App Icon for the app store, square and rectangular sizes.
The app icons put into use on the Microsoft Store and how it will look when it is installed on your computer, in this case a Macbook.
Another part of this project was researching and choosing the most frequently designed keys of the keyboard so that the keyboard stickers (which was part of the final outcome) could be applied to the most frequently pressed keys. Research concluded that the following letters of the alphabet were most frequently used and therefore; pressed.
These below are the keyboard stickers that I designed for GLS.
Below are some images of how the keyboard stickers would be applied to a keyboard in a real-life scenario.
Another part of the project was advertisement. Below you can see the GLS App being advertised on various different forms, in a bus shelter, magazine, and in the underground subway station.
There was a lot of research involved in this project that I have decided not to include in my portfolio, but instead, to give you a very good idea about what my project was about and what my final outcomes were, I will end this section of the portfolio with a video to promote the final product.
This video pretty much sums up the functional aspects of my GLS App and gives you a better idea of how I interpreted the project brief with my personal interests as well as obliging to the main part of the brief, which was to create an innovative communication method between people.
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